Saturday, February 16, 2008

The reluctant yogi.

There were roses the first time, and a little stuffed puppy the last time.

This time, it was a 90-minute yoga session in a hot room which he has always refused to try despite my constant nagging :p

It was the thought of him choosing to do something which he actually had an aversion to, but which I love doing, that made it all special.

He did feel dizzy, and I saw how he struggled to keep his arms up during the half moon pose.

After the session, he asked,

P: Why did we have to do everything thrice?
K: We didn't do everything thrice. We just did them twice :)
P: Oh, it felt like thrice.
K: It's for balance and so that your body will get used to the poses.

Then he was silent for a while, and he goes,

P: My favorite pose is the corpse pose.
K: Yeah, i figured. :)

Dinner was very late, but was worth sweating it all out first in yoga.
