Tuesday, August 3, 2010

CATS Manila: Now and Forever

I LOVED it.  Friday night was a night of excellent singing and marvelous dancing, and I've been seriously thinking of watching it again! 

Thank you for this part of my Christmas gift! ♥

There's something about watching plays/musicals that I find uplifting.  I guess it's that whole experience of being immersed (even for a few hours) in the very essence of creative genius. Then again, maybe I should be more specific and say: "there's something about watching outstandingly executed performances in plays/musicals that I find uplifting.  After all, I don't get this kind of 'high' after every single play/musical I watch. 

Paul ended up sleeping through some of the scenes, and I had to explain to him what happened during those scenes.  Prior to watching, I told him to  read the synopsis so he'd have an idea of what CATS is about, and so that he wouldn't get lost in the singing and dancing, but he dint read the synopsis, and so he got lost, sort of.  

Despite getting "lost", he did admit that he found the play very entertaining--- because it is that, whether or not you got the story ;) There is no heavy drama, no epic romance, no war, poverty, or life-changing revelations in this play--- CATS is simply just about a bunch of cats, gathered for the grand Jellicle Ball, trying to impress the Old Deuteronomy (the Wise One) in order to be chosen to journey to the Heaviside Layer (Cat Heaven).  

As simple, or as shallow as the story sounds, I believe that it sends out deeper messages of hope, acceptance, identity, kinship, and second chances, all throughout.  I guess this is one of the reasons why CATS is appealing to most people, it is such a spectacular show that you get lost in its grandiosity, but in the end, you realize how much of reality it depicts.

And so there I was, right after the show, writing on a giant board how amazingly wonderful  my CATS Manila experience was. Go watch, if you haven't yet! :)